Inspire slum children for education

Child Care NGO in Delhi         

Education is a very important aspect for the people all over the world to get success in life and earn respect. It is equally important for all: Men, Women and Children. And this importance is given to the child education as they are considered the future of the nation. It plays great role in children’s life as it brings information and knowledge. But the education system is weak in slum areas. Families living in such areas are very poor and spend their whole day in arranging their basic needs.  Children living in the backward areas are not getting proper benefits of good education as they lack money and other resources. Lex Alliance Foundation motivates and encourages parents to send their children to school, and makes whole communities aware of the value of education.

Without education life becomes meaningless. The parents should understand the importance of the education and its involvement in children’s lives. We should encourage the education in the backward areas by letting them know the benefits of education.

Though there has been progress made over the last few years, there are still millions of children who are denied their right to education. For helping these children, Lex Alliance Foundation, child care NGO in Delhi provides resource centers where slum children have much-needed opportunities to play, read and learn. Also, we help them get admitted to schools, and we explain to their parents why education is important.

It is the effort of Lex Alliance Foundation, child care NGO in Delhi to help and motivate people to use their resources in a supporting way to make a contribution in changing the lives of these slum area children in the field of education and over all development. Also providing them with an opportunity to realize their potential and lead a respectable life with dignity.


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